The History Of Rollers
This is a full length documentary I made about the history of the roller level genre in the Platform Racing games from 2017-2022. It covers the genre's origins and rise in popularity, several of the events and notable levels throughout the years, and interviews from members of the community.
Featuring Interviews From
Tad I Guess
Additional Help
Camer The Dragon
Platform Racing 3 Levels Featured
Platform Racing 2 Levels Featured
Super DM by Gasterskyraw
Jungle Deathmatch Remake by FlashRock25
True Tournament (Max 32 Players) by Gasterskyraw
Rocko Watches Idiots Play PR3 by TadTad
Lone Wolf by DuFl3y
Arctic Adventure by Nutty171
Get Fredkd Deathmatch 3 by TadTad
Icy Deathmatch by Azyssd
Fast Green Deathmatch by SuperGuy0173
Quest For Deodorant by TheBlackBigfoot
[8] Team DM by Killer
Liberal Deathmatch by Logan66677
Secum DM by Isokissa3
Poop by Hope
Autumn Treetops by TadTad
Frogpole Hotel Adventure by TadTad
IceThatsCool's Nice Pool by IceThatsCool
Brimstone Deathmatch by Trash
Purple Deathmatch by Azyssd
Rollerdesert 2 by Superguy0173
Endurance by Arik1
Rollerdesert by Superguy0173
Rollerdesert 3 by Superguy0173
Rollerdesert Loop by Superguy0173
Jungle Deathmatch by TadTad
Rollerspace by DuFl3y
Rollergarfeolooldpip by TadTad
Adventure Island by LP9
Avocado Hell: Evolution by TadTad
A Ricksy Escape by Mist
Dark World by Gasterskyraw
A Buddhist Temple by John3
Last Voyage by DuFl3y
Chamber (1P) [Remastered] by RMXdotEXE
Rollerrummyrowtatowtooie by TadTad
Tilfeldighetsskogskrigerne by XGuest
Densetsu No Stafy - Mysterious Powers by Cade642
Avoid Red (Hp traps) Remake 2 by Cheese
Secum by Isokissa3
Minematch by GreenViceroy
Ultimate Roller: Rollercast Episode One by TadTad
Bumb World Deluxe by IceThatsCool
Bumb World by IceThatsCool
PR3 Legends Deathmatch by TadTad
PR3 Legends But It's A Roller Levels by TadTad
Classic Roller by Cade642
Rollerdesert Glitches by Superguy0173
Mobile Roller by DuFl3y
Rollercast Episode 2 Leaked by Flashrock25
Rollerrome by XGuest
Disapointment Roler (XLA Dispointmen Phertion) by Mymsm
Jroller Factory by Ordo9
Cola Rollin' by Camer_The_Dragon
[Extended] Cola Rollin' Horrific Version by Camer_The_Dragon
Vast Roller by Cade642
Thanucios Pizzeria by IceThatsCool
Swaffle: Loopy Gloopy Rolleroopsie by TadTad
History Of Film Roller by TadTad
Wubbzy Roller (Short) by CrystalKing64
My Apologies 1 by CrystalKing64
My Apologies 2 by CrystalKing64
My Apologies 3 by CrystalKing64
Super Roller Bros by Trash
Fuck You Roller 2 by PizzaEater1000
Pizza's Swoller Roller by PizzaEater1000
Rollerrummy (Strong by TadTad
Swoller Roller Warmup by CrystalKing64
The Roller Retirement Home by IceThatsCool
Your Mother ((Owned!! by PizzaEater1000
Pineco Deathmatch by Proclifo
Baby Tad's Dungeon by TadTad
Tad Roller by Isokissa3
Squidward Dab by Astropenguin642
Idiots In A Box by Trash
PR3 Card Battle Halloween Edition by Trash
Block Shop Roller by TadTad
Wrath Of Rollerbags by TadTad
Casino Roller (Big Money by TadTad
Pac 'N Roll by TadTad
The Beginning by PizzaEater1000
Fuck You Roller 5 by PizzaEater1000
PR3R HC-Gaming Console by PizzaEater1000
Mandelbrot Generator Color by PizzaEater1000
Waterollin' by CrystalKing64
FYR Infinity by PizzaEater1000
Fuck You Roller 3 by PizzaEater1000
Fuck You Roller 4 by PizzaEater1000
The Roller Retirement Home Deluxe Edition!! by IceThatsCool
Test Superroller by Gasterskyraw
Fuck You Roller 1 by PizzaEater1000
Reality By TadTad by Nudynapudy
TadTad Safety Adventure. by Nudynapudy
Burning Data Center Escape by Trash
Amonugs Roller! by PizzaEater1000
Petter Uteliggers Telt by XGuest
Scribbly Scuffle by CrystalKing64
Super Avocado Hell by TadTad
My Apologies 4 by CrystalKing64
The Grand Tour. by TadTad
The Grand Tour. ((Cheater Edition by TadTad
Build Your Gun (Lua) by Gasterskyraw
Hope DM by Killer
Spleef by Trash
AFK Roller by CrystalKing64
Vessel Deathmatch by Gasterskyraw
Peculiar Kitchen by Trash
PR3 Card Battle Winter Edition by Trash
Roller Collab by DuFl3y
Space Cow by PizzaEater1000
Scary Roller Eek!!!!!! :O :O :O by TadTad
PR2 Is Better Roller by TadTad
Many Despicatble Mesnt by TadTad
TadTad Hotel Remake by TadTad
Chromium by xXsuper3Xx
Wee by wierdstuff2
Swordsman VII by DM Pro
Hotel Rock by PooZy
how to make a hat machine by mapleleaf
Journey To Fred by RidePonyRide
The Islands In The Sky by SouthWind
EXP Grind lll by Arcaninesy
RvsB, a Colonel's Sacrifice by Mf Eclipse
Trapz by parker828
pr2 roller lmao gottem by Camer999
MY FIRST ROLLER by killerwhale05
It's London! by Camer999
roller (epic by TadTad
razor blade by zerostar(oO)
Roller Of Funny by Pizzaeater1000
Roller Of Funny 2 by Pizzaeater1000
ha ha epic pr2 roller by Blaz
Ocean Trapwork by Pizzaeater1000
The Epic Adventure by parker828
Zerostar(¬¬) by zerostar(oO)
TadTad Hotel Remake by TadTad
NINJA CLAN by deathevilmistrif
Eggroller (Funny by TadTad
please by bls1999
Egg Hunt Fun by Sanzep
Hat Factory by Jiggmin
Pr3's Randomness by Pr3 Kings
Soul Temple by julls
Mario Bros remix v.1.3 (time attack) by zerostar(oO)
Newbieland 2 by Jiggmin
Classic Traps by Devious Shadows
Frust. by -Shadowfax-
pr3 servers be like by Pizzaeater1000
so much fun by airha